Giving Tuesday 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023

It's heartbreaking to learn that 1 out of 7 babies in the United States is born into poverty each year. In the spirit of giving, we are delighted to extend a helping hand to those in need. Join us in our heartwarming GIVE sale, starting this Giving Tuesday. By entering the code GIVE at checkout, you're not only securing a 5% discount on your order but also orchestrating a beautiful act of kindness by directing the other 5% to Newborns In Need (NIN), an extraordinary non-profit organization dedicated to providing essentials for newborns across the United States. (see sale exclusions)

newborns in need
Newborns in Need focuses on ensuring that every newborn begins life with warmth and love. Collaborating closely with local service partners, NIN chapters extend their reach to new families facing limited resources. The heart of their mission lies in the distribution of Newborn Immediate Need Kits, generously provided free of charge to families all across the United States.

These indispensable kits encompass essential items such as baby clothes, diapers, and hygiene products, offering invaluable support to families within local communities. However, the benevolence of NIN extends beyond the basics. Their dedicated volunteers, armed with talent and compassion, handcraft cozy blankets, afghans, and quilts, infusing each kit with an extra touch of love and care.

As NIN expands its chapters across the nation, their Ambassadors play a pivotal role in providing targeted support and expertise. Through fundraising initiatives, collection events, and the dissemination of NIN's mission on social media and peer-to-peer networks, these ambassadors work tirelessly to ensure that every newborn receives the essential support they deserve.

By participating in our GIVE sale, you're not just getting a discount; you're becoming part of a compassionate movement that uplifts and supports the most vulnerable among us. Together, we're making a difference — because every newborn deserves a beautiful beginning. 

Donate directly to Newborns in Need here.

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